I want to hear what spiritual awakening is to you, from your own unique perspective. I'll go first:
To me, Awakening is all about realizing and recognizing the mystery, spirit, and divinity of all of life. Awakening is the movement of consciousness that "wakes up from the dream" of everyday consciousness and realizes what reality actually is, what it actually is, what YOU actually are. Awakening is the most incredible thing you could ever experience in this lifetime.
It's still undescribable to me, It has been amazingly beautiful full of love but at the same time ugly crying in the corner.
Seeing world fully, unconditionally loving it wiht all of its flaws and perfections. Getting out of the ratrace and actually enjoying the thing of living.
I have a long road still to go but I'm loving every step of it, easy or hard, painful or joyful.
Seeing divinity in all, when we see within ourselves of what is happening outside of us, I feel; we will see the parts of us that has created our external realities. No one is below or above us; we're just souls learning through others that are created by ourselves to awaken us to nothingness. ☯️
I'm going to be the one to lower the mood (not deliberately!) but my two big awakenings (if I can call them that) have come following intense suffering - first through depression and anxiety, and subsequently through a borderline psychotic break. However, in my case I think I had to suffer as I wasn't listening to little taps that the Universe was giving me. And as I have discovered, if one ignores the little taps for too long, they get hit with the sledgehammer! Don't be like Jamie, listen to the little taps...
Awakening is knowing in depth that divine grace is awalys there for you
A person who may talk to you in your dream at night,
doesn't go on existing in the dream world after you wake up,
because that person isn't a independent entity in their own right,
that person is just a unconscious reflection of your mind.
so when you wake up out of the dream,that other person just dissolves to nothing.
In the same way your body matter, just decomposes and rotts to dust after you go through death,
because matter isn't a independent entity, so it carn't exist separate from the state of self deception, or unconscious state of mind, that created it and that it evolved through.
The reason it takes a long time for matter to decompose,
compared with the sleeping dream dissolving to nothing when you wake up out of it,
is because the dream you have when you go to sleep is your own personal dream,
but the dream your experiencing in the world is not only your dream, its the one dream of the one mind, but that one mind is
dreaming its dream from many points of veiw, all the while seeing itself as being something else called matter,
and seeing every one, and every thing else as not being it , when the one mind was all that their really is, (spirit).
This divides it into a more denser state of consciousness which takes longer to dessolve than the sleeping dream does.
Matterial laws are also evolved through the division of the one mind and its state of self deception from many points of view
which is why they are much more inforced rules as to what can or carn't happen in the wakeing dream that we call reality,
as compared to the sleeping dream.
but other wise the world is just a dream the same as the one you have in your own personal dreams when you sleep.
when you realize this you have had a spiritual awakening.
My awakening began with the realization that I will die. This moment took the life that I new and not only flipped it but turned it on the edge. Waking up is the realization that I am everything but that I am here now, absolute. In this moment, the blip that is absolutely everything there is and ever will be. Experiencing one point of view as a fractal of my true essence.
Awakening to me is the discovery of yourself beyond your social situations, biases, nature, or nurture.
It’s about finding out what being god means to you and deciding the implications of knowing everyone else is both you and god.