Victor's Booklist
The Greatest Books For Mastering Life
Must-reads are at the top of the list and are indicated by 5 stars. The list is updated monthly so make sure to check back for new additions.
Conversations with God, Books 1-3
Neale Donald Walsch
As of today, these first 3 books of the CwG series are the greatest books I've ever read in my life. Within them, the author (Neale) has a direct and casual conversation with God (Yes you read that right). He asks every deep question a human can have about life, and every answer God gives is even more incredible. A must read.
The Book of Not Knowing
Peter Ralston
This is one of the most foundational books you can ever read on consciousness, mind, and reality. If you have no idea where to start with spiritual / consciousness work, start here. This book will be an absolute game changer to how you experience reality and life. Peter Ralston will blow your mind wide open in this one. A must read.
Being Ram Dass
Ram Dass, Rameshwar Das
This was an incredible autobiography from the world-renowned psychedelic pioneer and spiritual leader, Ram Dass. From kickstarting the psychedelic revolution in the 60’s with Timothy Leary at Harvard, to the meeting of his guru in India (the enlightened being with mystical powers known as Maharaji), and to the later years of helping ignite the flame of Eastern Spirituality in the West - the life of Ram Dass is one of real Spirit and Love. He was a true example of how one’s own being can be the best transmitter of Consciousness. Ram Dass will forever be one of my true spiritual friends - even though I never encountered his being in the flesh, his presence, and that of his Guru, is as real as ever. Ram Dass was a being who simply pointed the way down the path of the Heart - the path where we all are walking each other Home. A great read.
Added 5/24/2024
The Doors of Perception, Heaven And Hell
Aldous Huxley
Huxley was a true mystic with the ability to see the divine in life and an even better ability at communicating it through the written symbols we call words. Even though both these books - The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell were written in the 50’s, his takes on culture and society at large were intellectually evolved and mentally fascinating, with an uncanny accuracy of predicting the future and telling the story of how humans were, are, and will be. A great read.
Conversations with God, Book 4
Neale Donald Walsch
Another great book from the Conversations with God series. It has a slightly different flavor than the first 3 books, and was written almost 20 years later. In this one, God explains to Neale how HEB's (Highly Evolved Beings) exist all across the universe, and how humanity can model itself after them... A great read.
Falling Into Grace
A beautiful and pure book on Spiritual Awakening from one of my favorite teachers, Adyashanti. Within this book Adya shares insights on suffering and how we perpetuate it, the function of grace on our spiritual journey, and many more profound pointers. This book will definitely open you into a state of receptiveness. A great read.
Love, Freedom, Aloneness
In a sort of loosey-goosey and unstructured fashion, this book delivers amazing insights from the controversial Indian mystic, Osho. You may not like him, but his wisdom was indeed profound. In this book he offers guidance on money, sex, relationships, and more. It'll definitely open your mind. A great read.
Resurrecting Jesus
This is a beautiful overview from Adyashanti on the life of Jesus. In the book, Adyashanti does a great job of guiding you through the story of Jesus without any religious baggage. He gets straight to the heart and soul of the story of Jesus and what his life truly represented in terms of Awakening and Consciousness. A great read.
Why Materialism Is Baloney
Bernardo Kastrup
An awesome book from a computer engineer on the nature of reality and consciousness. In this book Bernardo points out the massive flaws of the modern metaphysical understanding, materialism. He then argues why the only reasonable metaphysics is idealism, or as we know it here: everything is consciousness. A great read.
I Am That
Nisargadatta Maharaj
A Q&A style book of students asking the Indian sage, Nisargadatta Maharaj, questions on the topics of Self-Inquiry and Enlightenment. As you can imagine, the answers Nisargadatta gives come right from the source itself and are powerful enough you may just have an Awakening while reading this book. A great read.
Mastering The Core Teaching of The Buddha
Daniel Ingram
One of the best books I've ever read on meditation and how to actually practice it. Inside, Daniel Ingram gives you everything you need to understand meditation: the various maps, the states of mind you will encounter, the cycles of insight, and the differences between concentration and insight practices. A great read.
The Wisdom of Insecurity
Alan Watts
This is a solid book from Alan Watts where he conveys one of the main insights and core pillars of spiritual work with grace and nuance: that there is no separate "I", and that experience is a unified whole. He synthesizes religion, metaphysics, science, and eastern thought into one comprehensive picture. A good read.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
David R. Hawkins
This is more of a technical / scientific book but still very powerful. Within the book, Dr. Hawkins teaches you how to use the technique of "Letting go" to Awaken. He also takes you through a very detailed explanation of all of the emotions, what they mean, and what level of consciousness each emotion aligns to. A good read.
Becoming Supernatural
Dr. Joe Dispenza
In this book Dr. Joe gives a comprehensive and scientific-backed approach to spirituality, and more specifically: meditation. He shows multiple case studies and extremely detailed research on how tuning into the "quantum field" can heal you, change your physiology, and radically transform your experience of life. A good read.
If Truth Be Told
Om Swami
This is a first-hand account of a Monk's life and spiritual journey. From a young business man making loads of money to renouncing the world and going to the Himalayans to meditate and find Truth, this memoir is really the classic story of a spiritual journey. What makes it even cooler is it actually happened. A good read.
On The Mystery of Being
Zaya & Maurizio Benazzo
This is a really cool book that gathered many leaders from both the fields of science and spirituality, and had them all write a chapter with their thoughts on Existence, Life, & Reality. Each passage opens your mind and shows you just how many ways the human mind can think about this stuff. A good read.