If you look into the bathroom mirror, you see your reflection looking back at you
and although its correct to say you have a reflection, and that the reflection is you,
its not correct to say you are the reflection, because you are the original and the
reflection is a copy.
In the same way you have a body and the body is you, but you are not the body.
When you believe that you are the body, you give yourself in the form of the body
the ability to act independently of itself, and contrary to its own interests in that form.
This enables it to manifest and be divided into states of disharmony like disease,
or states of self distruction like cancer.
When you awaken from the false premise that you are the body,the false conclusions
and states of disharmony that arose through and from it, will be awoken from aswell and they dissapear,
as did death itself, where the resurrection of jesus was conserned.
The son can do nothing of his own, he can only do what he sees the father in heaven do,
and as the father does, the son does likewise.
Remember in the story of Adam and Eve when god told them they could eat
from any tree in the garden of eden, exept for one tree called
the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and that in the day they
eat from that tree they will surely die.
Then the snake told Eve that god had only told them this, because
their eyes would be opened and they would be as gods.
Then after Adam had eaten this forbiden fruit, he seen he was naked
and ran and hide in the bushes, where before he was unconcious of his body.
Here you may see how consciousness went into the mirror and woke up inside
the reflection, and believed it was the reflection , which seperated it from
the original image that was creating it.
The name Adam, represents A-DAM an obstruction or blockage,
Consciousness carn't see itself as being something else, and then from
the point of view of that something else, be, or experience itself as it
really is, this locked man out of his own identity and seperated him from the
original source, or what jesus called the father.
Jesus's claim that he and his father where one, was what the jews had arrested
him for, and what he showed to be correct through the resurrection.
The original never went into, came out of, or resided inside of the copy
to die there in the first place, while the copy had no life of its own to loose.
He said those who believe in me will never see death.
Such a great insight
I agree.
It’s interesting though how some diseases and physical ailments are just inherent with your body/genetics and possible karmic reasons.
It really can be that an aliment thats literally killing you is there to teach you love, or surrender, etc.