The Body is God's Temple and Dwelling Place.
Keep It Clean,
So That It May Be a Pure Channel For His Light.
All Water Is Holy.
Treat It As Such.
The Narrow Gate Is REALLY NARROW!
Weed is Cool, but it can Take Me way too far Sideways.
I'd Rather Go Up.
I Should've Given Maharaji and Other Mystics More Credit.
Navigating Multiple Dimensions and Planes of Consciousness All at Once is NOT Easy!
Do Not Give The Rat, The Weasel, or The Snake more Attention than they Deserve.
God's Time is too Precious to Waste.
Human Beings are The Neurons in God's Mind.
Life Sleeps Under Death!
Christ Has Returned, and The United States Shadow Government Is Trying To Kill Him!
I Wonder Why?
Life is A Divine Play, Literally!
What Will Today's Episode Be?
A Repeat?
Or Something New? 😉
Make Heterosexuality Popular Again!
The Declaration of Independence is a Spiritual Transmission.
Evolution is just another Name for God’s Process…
The Cosmic Order
Do Not Let an Ounce of Suffering Go To Waste.
What's The Lesson?